Howard Smith Paper Group
Lecture Series
The task to increase sales of new and existing paper brands led to the creation of the Howard Smith Lecture Series held at BAFTA. Internationally recognised creatives from all areas of the arts – artists, photographers illustrators and designers — are invited to talk to an informed London Audience. For each lecture a limited edition journal is produced, representing both the speakers work and different brands of paper. With its significant cultural contribution, this campaign transformed the perception of Howard smith Paper being just a paper distributor.

Howard Smith Paper
An advertising campaign to promote the second Howard Smith Paper Graphic Design and Print Awards, featuring press, advertising, a website, electronic flyers, postcards, and a poster series. Mailed at monthly intervals to leading creatives and printers in the run-up to the closing date, six A0 posters, printed using fluorescent inks and taking European paper sizes as their inspiration, act as publicity, promotion, and a call for entries for the competition.

A British Graphic Design and Print Landscape
Designed to launch the inaugural Howard Smith Paper Graphic Design and print Awards, this book tours design studios and printing houses all over the UK with photographs by Davy Jones. The pictures give a unique insight into the lives and work of the country’s leading designers and printers, illustrating the sometimes vast difference between the perception and the reality of our working environments. The book has been described as the graphic equivalent of the ‘Mary Celeste’ with no people and no captions it means that you are left to determine the owners of each studio from the clues within the images.

Five Plantain Place
Crosby Row
London SE1 1YN
+44 (0)20 7407 9074